by Victoria Hynes | Sep 1, 2018 | All Articles, Exhibition Reviews, Fine Art, Publications, Travel and Leisure, World Sculpture News
Valley Of The Titans New Zealand sculpture collector Alan Gibbs, more than two decades ago, began to build a sculpture park to accommodate his passion. A unique meeting of art and nature, here one leaves the pressures of the everyday world behind and takes time to...
by Victoria Hynes | Jun 1, 2018 | All Articles, Artists, Exhibition Reviews, Fine Art, Peter Tilley, Publications, World Sculpture News
Out Of The Shadows Sculptor Peter Tilley’s figurative art continues his philosophical inquiry, namely the pursuit of harmony between life’s opposing forces. His addressing of meaningful philosophical concerns through physical and robust media is a testament to his...
by Victoria Hynes | Dec 2, 2016 | All Articles, Artist Profiles, Artists, Fine Art, Marion Borgelt, Publications, World Sculpture News
Dancing Through Darkness And Light Australian artist Marion Borgelt has passed through numerous dramatic cycles and shifts in her art practice. The passage of time and rhythms of life are central themes in her work, though her uncompromising art is ultimately about...
by Victoria Hynes | Jan 25, 2010 | All Articles, Exhibition Reviews, Fine Art, Publications, Travel and Leisure, World Sculpture News
ALL IMAGES COURTESY OF WORLD SCULPTURE NEWS: Sydney Art writer and editor, Victoria Hynes